Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Archangel - X-Force

This is a re-colour/slight variation of Archangel's classic transformation look.
Hair: NoneHead: Partial DevilFace: NoneAccessory: NoneShoulders: NoneEmblem: None,
Hands: Astro-Force HandlersWaist: NoneFeet: ElectrostaticChest: Kryptonian Flexsuit,
Legs: Paneled BodysuitBack: Nth-Metal Battlesuit & Avatar InfiltratorSkin: Human Skin 03Primary Weapon: Bare Hands (Brawling).

So pretty much as soon as I published the previous version of Archangel I decided that I didn't like the cowl and went hunting for a better match. I think this one is pretty great.

In the X-Force reboot, the first one with all the murder, there are two distinct artists and they both draw Archangel's transformation costume differently. This is the version which is basically a black and white recolouring of his regular Archangel costume. Which is also the version used later during his appearance in the run of Uncanny X-Men.

I also like these boots a lot better as they cover up the markings on the lower legs, but I'm not sure they'd work with the lighter colour scheme of regular Archangel.

In both this and his original Archangel persona Warren was able to fold his wings up into neat little panels over his shoulders when he wasn't flying around or cutting people to pieces.

Palette 01: 00000Palette 02: FFFFFFPalette 03: NonePalette 04: None
Skin: 215FD8Eyes: 0030FFHair: FFD34FMakeup: 001588.

You only need two costume slot colours: white and black. I made a slight adjustment to the hair colour also, even though you can only see the eyebrows.

Character Choices
Power: AnyWeapon: BrawlingMovement: FlightBody TypeStriker Large,

Thank Zeus for the Stats Revamp. Running around using only Flight tree powers to fight is some of the most fun I've had in this game, and they deal just as much damage as any of the power sets.



    •Iron Man
    •War Machine
    •Nova (Sam Alexander)
    •Blue Marvel
    •Hyperion (of the Squadron Supreme)
    •Doctor Strange
    •Star Lord
    •Black Panther
    •Captain America
    •Adam Warlock

  2. Haha. I have some of these coming very sooon. Will work on the rest of the list!
