Thursday, January 29, 2015

Psylocke - Uncanny X-Force

Psylocke ( decided murdering people was kind of fun (but not kids) and radically changed her outfit... To look exactly like her old one, except black and white.
Getting The Look
This is a re-colouring of Psylocke's original ninja look.

Re-Colour Week

This week I'll be posting character styles that are re-colourings of costumes that have already been featured on the blog. For example Uncanny X-Force Psylocke, and Dark Phoenix Jean Grey.

Rather than repeating myself, I'll simply link to the original post and specify the colour differences and any slight style changes. If there are any entirely new styles, I'll list how to obtain them, the way I would in a regular blog post.

Psylocke - Original X-Men

Psylocke ( originally joined the X-Men in 1987 after a bunch of adventures in the Captain Britain comics as a spy and model. Her first costume was three shades of pink, had puffy sleeves and ribbons attached at the wrist... I guess in case she needed to garrotte someone and nothing else was handy.
Getting The Look
You don't need any extras to put this pink celebration together. There are only four style pieces, and only one of them requires any work to obtain.