Monday, March 2, 2015

Dani Moonstar - Moonstar

Dani Moonstar ( is a Native American and one of the original New Mutants, kind of a teenage class of replacement X-Men from the 80's. She originally had the power to project three dimensional images of a person's greatest fear, later learning how to generate arrows comprised of this psychic energy. For a while she wore a mask and masqueraded as a villain, confusing her friends despite the fact she was using her own last name as a codename... So I guess they're just not very bright.
Getting The Look
This is one of those costumes where the details changed frequently, almost in every issue, but I think this version captures the elements that stayed consistent. It's especially close to the later, more refined look that Moonstar donned.

Even though it sometimes looks like the orange parts of Moonstar's costume are skin, they're actually a bodysuit. In this instance, because the face is masked, I've simply coloured the characters skin orange to approximate this.

Masked Cross head, Thigh High feet and Metalhead chest styles are all available at character creation.

Shaman hands can sometimes be purchased on the auction house, but are easy enough to obtain at varying levels depending on your characters power set. Rather than running down a long list I'll simply refer you to the DC Universe Online Database and DCUO Bloguide sources, which are excellent.

Necromancer legs will either drop for you while you're levelling up, or can be bought from the Broker cheaply, as can the Engraved Bow style.
Hair: LongHead: Masked CrossFace: NoneAccessory: NoneShoulders: NoneEmblem: None,
Hands: ShamanWaist: NoneFeet: Thigh HighChest: MetalheadLegs: Necromancer,
Back: NoneSkin: Human Skin 02Primary Weapon: Engraved Bow (Bow).

Palette 01: 5E0000Palette 02: 000000Palette 03: 711400Skin: 5A0D00Eyes: FFFFFF,
Hair: 010106Makeup: None.

Character Choices
Power: MentalWeapon: BowMovement: AcrobaticsBody TypeMonarch Small,

For the most part Moonstar simply shot people with psychic arrows. By choosing Mental and Bow weapon type you have this covered, and thanks to weapon mastery you can centre your build around only this if you like. You can then choose whatever powers work for you from the Illusion tree, adding Acrobatics for movement type (and some Acrobatics powers if you feel the need).

Accuracy and Playability
Accuracy of look: 8/10. Playability and accuracy of powers: 10/10.



  1. Really cool. Wasnt expecting her. One friend has her and he is using the braid hairstyle, and the classic New Mutants black and yellow costume with a carcaj and barbarian belt and chaman gloves and boots.

  2. Yeah. There are a lot of costumes you can do for her. Great character!
