Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Mystique (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystique_%28comics%29) is a longtime enemy of the X-Men with the power to duplicate the exact appearance, mannerisms and voice of another person. I can't make jokes about Mystique, because Mystique is awesome.
Getting The Look
I've wanted to make a Mystique toon for years, but there was never a piece that came close to her signature flowing dress until the release of the Amazon Fury Part II DLC with its Circe inspired styles. Fittingly, your character will need to be a villain to make this look work as two of the style pieces are only accessible on the villain side.

The Formal hands and Thigh-High feet styles are available at character creation or from the style vendors in the Hall of Doom.

Joker's Punchline waist style is a tier 1 iconic style, purchasable for Marks of Triumph once you hit level 30. The League of Assassins chest piece drops in a few locations, but the easiest is from Atrocitus in the Coast City duo.

The most important piece, the Ancient Divine Sorceress leg style, is available in two ways, both of which require you to be Legendary or have purchased the Amazon Fury Part II DLC. Firstly, as a drop in the CR 105+ content OR secondly, and more easily, purchasable for 70 Marks of Fury from the Rare Style Vendor in the bottom of the Hall of Doom.

Ideally it would be great if the skirt piece was longer, if the chest style didn't have all the unnecessary detail, and if there were skulls on the belt instead of tiny doll heads (though it's hard to tell the difference unless you really look) but you can still make a great looking Mystique that's fun to run around as. It's currently my favourite look in-game.
Hair: WavyHead: NoneFace: Emissive EyesAccessory: NoneShoulders: NoneEmblem: None,
Hands: FormalWaist: Joker's PunchlineFeet: Thigh-HighChest: League of Assassins,
Legs: Ancient Divine SorceressBack: NoneSkin: Human Skin 03,
Primary Weapon: Elite 9mm Pistol (Dual Pistol).

Palette 01: FFFFFFPalette 02: D86800Palette 03: NoneSkin: 000B48Eyes: 190D00,
Hair: 9F0707Makeup: FF0000.

Character Choices
Power: GadgetsWeapon: Dual PistolMovement: AcrobaticsBody TypeMonarch Small,

There's no power set in DCUO that in any way duplicates Mystique's shapeshifting powers. I chose Gadgets to represent Mystique's affinity for weaponry and her penchant for using... well gadgets, in battle. For weapon type I went with Dual Pistol, but a One Handed knife, or Dual Wield would work just as well.

BUT the most fun I had running around as Mystique was using various trinkets and guises to change her shape. These trinkets, like the Beastiamorph one I used below, or the Amazon guise give your character a different appearance.

Both trinkets and guise plans come as drops, but guises can also be purchased cheaply on the Broker and Marketplace. Keep them in your loadout so you're ready to change forms at will. The Amazon is a favourite, as it looks just like the kind of form Mystique is fond of changing into, but the Assassin looks great as well. These only affect your appearance, not your stats or your combat styles, but it's a fun, silly way to make your Mystique toon more authentic.

Accuracy and Playability
As close as you can get, after a long wait: 8/10. Gadgets is playable in all roles and settings, but the trinkets and guises bump this up a notch: 7/10.


1 comment:

  1. You nailed it! Specially the screenshoots, showing her morphing into an amazon or beastmorph. Congrats!
