Friday, November 14, 2014


Before she was a Guardians Of The Galaxy movie star Gamora was just your everyday alien, space-chick, cyborg, assassin ( The adopted daughter of Thanos she's known for two things: being the "deadliest woman in the universe" and wearing an outfit that even Psylocke thought was too impractical for combat.
Getting The Look
The hardest part of putting Gamora's look together is getting just the right shade of green in the costume palette to match her skin tone. Even then, because of the way light reacts differently to costumes and skin in the game, sometimes it will look perfectly matched and other times it's a little off.

Trim Classic hands, Thigh High feet, Reverse Slimline chest and Classic back styles are all available at character creation. Necromancer waist and leg styles drop as you are levelling (mostly in magic based instances) or can be purchased cheaply enough form the Broker. Antifreeze shoulders and the Tech-Infused Ninja Blade also drop frequently or can be purchased cheaply.

Noble Warrior head is a lockbox style. If you're lucky you might get it in a lockbox, otherwise just buy it from the broker. It won't set you back too much. Wizardly head works great for the hood that Gamora often wore as part of this costume. I like it better than the other hooded options as it's open under the chin and connects neatly to the cape. Wizardly head is a reward for the Treasured Artifacts master collection, a combination of three other collections (check the link).

The final, and most important piece, is the face mask that replicates Gamora's gold eye accents. Your character will need to be a hero with access to the Lightning Strikes DLC (or Legendary membership) as it's only purchasable from the armor vendor in Central City. Colour the outside of the mask gold, and the inside the green in your Palette 03 slot to match the skin.

Hair: LongHead: Noble Warrior & WizardlyFace: High VoltageAccessory: None,
Shoulders: AntifreezeEmblem: NoneHands: Trim ClassicWaist: Necromancer,
Feet: Thigh HighChest: Reverse SlimlineLegs: NecromancerBack: Classic,
Skin: Human Skin 01 Primary Weapon: Tech-Infused Ninja Blade (One Handed).
Palette 01: 753F00Palette 02: 001903Palette 03: 21F91CSkin: 0B6D09Eyes: FFFFFF,
Hair: 041506Makeup: 001C00.

Body type is Monarch Small. Personality type is Powerful.

Power, Movement and Weapon Choice
Though skilled with a variety of weapons I mostly picture Gamora using a sword. You can chose One Handed or Two Handed, but the latter will limit your sword style options and isn't as effective for gameplay. Gadgets makes the most sense for Gamora as she is a cyborg (kinda) and sometimes uses futuristic alien weaponry.

Accuracy and Playability
Very close to comic book Gamora's most revealing look. It's just a pity the ridges on the mask stand out so much: 9/10. Playable as either a DPS or a controller (though damage is really more Gamora's thing), with One Handed and weapon mastery combining for great PvE or PvP attack: 10/10.


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