Saturday, November 4, 2017


Archangel, or Warren Worthington III, is one of those comic book characters who has gone through a lot of changes over the years. His original power was just having huge feathered wings and being able to fly. Which seems pretty good until 47,000 other mutants all come along with better powers than you. Some bad guy tore up his wings and in a convoluted series of events he ended up with razor-sharp metal ones instead. He complained about it a lot, but deep down I think even he knew they were a vast improvement.
Hair: NoneHead: LeafmailFace: NoneAccessory: NoneShoulders: NoneEmblem: None,
Hands: Astro-Force HandlersWaist: NoneFeet: Beyond High-TechChest: Kryptonian Flexsuit,
Legs: Paneled BodysuitBack: Nth-Metal BattlesuitSkin: Human Skin 02Primary Weapon: Bare Hands (Brawling).

This is closest to the original Archangel costume that appeared in X-Factor right after Warren's transformation from Angel. There are several variations of this that came later, with fairly minor differences, including a version where Warren had his hair back and didn't wear the cowl.

Palette 01: 071199Palette 02: C60089Palette 03: FF00B0Palette 04: FFFFFF
Skin: 215FD8Eyes: 0030FFHair: FFD762Makeup: C60089.

Palette 03 is a lighter pick, to colour the cuffs of the Astro-Force Handlers as light as possible. It's annoying that the boots aren't slightly higher to cover the leg markings from the pants, but of all the feet styles I tried this matched the closest/looked the best.

Character Choices
Power: AnyWeapon: BrawlingMovement: FlightBody TypeStriker Large,

I used only Flight movement tree powers for this character, something you can get away with now that the stats revamp has fixed the gameplay problems. You can actually have varied builds! It's pretty fun being able to whip around and slam into people as you fly.

You can choose any power you like, but I suppose Earth would be the closest match to Archangel. Sadly there's nothing that replicates his wing flechettes/throwing knives.



  1. Just wanted to say you've done a great job with not only explaining your work on the toons, but the style and color combination explanations are superlative! I think it would be safe to say it takes a lot of work to not only match the Marvel characters, but to put them in appropriate backgrounds. Keep up the great work! (BlueDevilTW - in-world)
