Sunday, June 18, 2017

Professor X

Professor X, or  Charles Xavier is the leader of the X-Men. The "world's most powerful telepath", he was originally wheelchair bound, then could walk, then was in a wheelchair again, then could walk AGAIN. Like most longstanding comic book characters he's been pretty much ruined and maligned by modern writer's, with the exception of a character saving stretch of X-Men Legacy comics by Mike Carey.
Hair: NoneHead: NoneFace: NoneAccessory: NoneShoulders: NoneEmblem: None,
Hands: NoneWaist: NoneFeet: BusinessChest: BusinessLegs: Urban BusinessBack: None,
Skin: Human Skin 03Primary Weapon: Bare Hands (Hand Blaster).

I'm not going to be detailing where styles can be found anymore. I don't have the time, so I either needed to strip my posts back a lot or not post at all. Besides, it's very easy to google where to find the styles you need.

Palette 01: FFFFFFPalette 02: ED9420Palette 03: 000310Palette 04: None
Skin: A86C4AEyes: 000595Hair: NoneMakeup: FFFFFF.

For the most part Xavier has never had a traditional costume. When I picture him I always see him in a suit and tie.

Character Choices
Power: MentalWeapon: Hand BlastersMovement: AcrobaticsBody TypeMonarch SmallPersonalityPowerful.

Like all psychics, Hand Blasters is probably the only weapon type that makes any sense. Unless you want to go with brawling. Young Xavier didn't mind the odd bar-room brawl.